Sunday, August 16, 2009

Challenge #28 BIG and small

This week's theme:

BIG and small

1.) One photo and one photo only.
2.) B/W or Colour is fine.
3.) No tweaking please.
4.) Photo submissions due by Sat. Aug 15 (MckLinky will stay open till Aug. 18th for any late posters.)

Have a great week!

This picture was taken in the Wichita Mountains on top of Mount Scott. I chose to show BIG and small by comparing the massive mountains to a seemingly large rock.


  1. I love that, "a seemingly large rock". :) Nice shot! and great composition...I only wish that we could see a little more of the mountains above the get a better since of their size.

    How was your trip?

  2. I kinda like that the rock continues with the horizon in this- it becomes part of the mountains, yet really is small in comparison- love the very vertical nature of this photograph, too- beautiful :)

  3. Awesome! I probably never would have put that much sky in a picture, but it works really well. The curves of the clouds, mountains, and big rock really tie everything together.

  4. I like this photo, if only because it was taken on a mountain that shares my name. Ha.

    More seriously, I really like how you weren't afraid to give so much room to the sky. I think if I'd done it, I would have had a lot of the ground in there. Your way is far more interesting. It helps that the sky was semi-cloudy.

    Very interesting piece overall.
