Sunday, October 25, 2009

Catch Up! Challenge #5 Anatomy and Human Form

Challenge rules: Submit 1-5 photos exploring anatomy and human form. THIS IS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE!!!!!!!!


  1. yeah the first image bring something else to mind. I can't even figure out what part of the body that is. It is a bit provocative though because of the little water droplets on the skin.

    I absolutely love the second image. The sense of light is nice and strong. And I love the repetition of triangular shapes. Very cool! Is this you?

  2. is the first one a bent elbow or knee? I'm guessing looking down the leg at the calf?
    I agree with Diana on the awesome lighting in the second one. lots of contrast in the shadows and the brighter spots.
    -Katie k.

  3. Both of them are me and the first one is a knee.
