Sunday, October 25, 2009

Make Up Nature out of focus! #20

The Rules:

1.) B/W or Colour Photos
2.) Please submit only 3
3.) Photos must be of nature and MUST be out of focus
4.) Photo submissions due between Friday, June 14 and Sat., June 15.
Oh and 5.) no tweaking please!

I am only submitting 1 for this challenge. I accidentally took a picture while camping that was way over exposed and I liked the effect. I played with it a bit today, but didn't have a ton of time, so I am only submitting 1 photo.


  1. Hi Erica, I have to admit this is not one of my favorite images of yours. While it is daring, I do think it's way too overexposed. There isn't a lot of information in the image and very little sense of composition. Don't give up on the idea though, this is a technique that you could successfully in the future.

  2. While I assume this is of very yellow trees, since I know it is somehting in nature, it is very abstract. It could almost be a painting! I like it :)
